Command Line

Editing Apache & NGINX Config files

List all open files on port 80

lsof -i tcp:80 -Pn


SSH into your server and go to

cd ../etc/apache2/sites-available/

This depends on how your VHOST is configured.

Edit the httpd.conf file, or in my case the httpd.conf is called


Make your changes and save

Test Apache before reloading the config file

apachectl -t

Assuming there are no issues, reload the config file

/etc/init.d/apache2 reload



Navigate to the config file

cd ../etc/nginx/sites-available

cd ../etc/nginx/conf.d

Edit your .conf file as before and save
EG: Redirect a page to a new URL removing any query strings in the process by adding a trailing ? to the new url

rewrite ^/old-page\.html$ permanent;

Test NGINX before reloading

/etc/init.d/nginx configtest

Assuming there are no issues, reload the config file

/etc/init.d/nginx reload

Depending on the OS version, you may need to use systemctl as init has been mostly deprecated.

nginx -t

systemctl reload nginx
systemctl status nginx

systemctl status nginx
systemctl restart nginx